E-commerce Marketplaces
The popularity of multi-brand online stores creates high competition between online platforms and encourages retailers to look for the most convenient and secure payment instruments to keep the leading position on the market and to optimize the work with suppliers and customers.

Wallester will help you to modernize the payment system of your trading platform, facilitate accounting, and greatly simplify key business processes!
Let’s get in touchLet’s look at the current problems arising in the settlement with customers and suppliers, as well as the solutions we offer
E-commerce platforms act as a single trading platform for multiple suppliers worldwide. Settlements with partners usually involve invoicing and transferring funds by bank transfer, which may take from several hours to several days to be processed. Such a transaction algorithm significantly slows down business processes, complicates accounting, and affects the level of service.
Optimize your payment system with Wallester! Launching your own one-time or multi-use virtual cards with 3D Secure double authentication feature, you can make multiple secure payments anywhere in the world at the same time! Instant payment confirmation will provide immediate settlement between the parties to the transaction, significantly accelerating key business processes, positively influencing your company profitability, and helping to improve customer service quality!
Why Wallester?
Key benefits
Issue single payment virtual cards paying separately for each order to keep your money safe and reduce the risk of fraud.
Get payment statistics and other information essential to analyze your business.
Set up push notifications for payments and be notified via SMS or REST API right after the payment is made.
Set transaction limits and spending limits depending on the country or merchant category.
Control payment card life cycle by setting expiration dates, automatic card renewal or replacement, as well as temporary or permanent card blocking.
Transfer money directly into your settlement account and get access to all available funds with the cards linked to it, without topping up each card separately.
Tell us about your project, program, or platform, and we’ll get back to you shortly.
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