What is Electronic Invoicing and How it Works | Wallester

Electronic Invoicing - guide

What Is Electronic Invoicing a.k.a. E-Invoicing?

The landscape of business transactions is rapidly evolving. One significant shift is the adoption of electronic invoicing, commonly known as e-invoicing. This innovative process is transforming the way companies exchange financial information.

Continue reading this piece to explore the world of e-invoicing, exploring what it entails, why it’s gaining prominence, and how it operates.

What is an e-invoice?

An e-invoice, short for electronic invoice, is a digital version of the traditional paper invoice. Unlike its paper counterpart, an e-invoice is generated, sent, received, and processed electronically.

E-invoicing eliminates the need for paper documents, manual data entry, and physical postage, making the invoicing process significantly faster and more efficient. It also minimizes the risk of errors caused by manual input.

Various countries and organizations have adopted specific e-invoicing standards to ensure consistency and interoperability in electronic invoicing processes. These standards dictate the format and structure of e-invoices, making it easier for businesses to exchange invoices seamlessly.

Additionally, e-invoices often include digital signatures or encryption to enhance security and ensure the integrity of the invoice data. This helps prevent fraud and unauthorized alterations during transmission. E-invoicing has gained traction across industries due to its cost-effectiveness, reduced environmental impact, and streamlined payment processes.

What is not an e-invoice?

An e-invoice is not a mere scanned image or a document in PDF or Word format sent via email. While these electronic documents might appear to be digital invoices at first glance, they lack the key characteristics that define true e-invoices.

Scanned paper invoices or invoices in PDF or Word formats may seem electronic because they are sent digitally, but they often retain the structure and layout of traditional paper invoices. As a result, businesses receiving such documents must still manually extract and enter the data into their systems, negating many of the benefits of e-invoicing.

Furthermore, e-invoices are not just about sending an email with an invoice attachment. True e-invoicing systems operate through dedicated electronic platforms or systems designed for automated invoice processing, ensuring the seamless exchange of invoice data between the sender’s and recipient’s systems.

Why electronic invoicing appeared?

The advent of electronic invoicing, or e-invoicing, stems from the need to modernize and streamline the cumbersome and paper-heavy process of traditional invoicing.

Efficiency and Cost Reduction

Traditional paper-based invoicing involved manual tasks such as printing, mailing, and data entry, leading to high processing costs and time delays. E-invoicing eliminates these manual processes, reducing operational costs and enabling faster invoice processing.

Accuracy and Error Reduction

Manual data entry in paper invoicing often resulted in errors, from typos to incorrect calculations. E-invoicing automates data capture, minimizing the risk of inaccuracies and associated disputes.

Faster Payment Cycles

E-invoicing accelerates the invoicing-to-payment cycle. Invoices can be delivered instantly and processed more rapidly, leading to quicker payments and improved cash flow for businesses.

Environmental Impact

Traditional paper invoicing contributes to paper waste and environmental degradation. E-invoicing aligns with sustainability efforts by reducing paper usage and promoting digital practices.

Regulatory Compliance

Many governments and regulatory bodies have recognized the benefits of e-invoicing and have implemented regulations to encourage its adoption. Compliance with these regulations is often easier with e-invoicing solutions.

Enhanced Security

E-invoicing platforms incorporate security features such as digital signatures and encryption to protect invoice data from fraud and unauthorized access.

E-Invoicing: How Does It Work?

E-invoicing operates on the principle of digitalization and automation of the invoicing process. Here’s a step-by-step look at how it works:

Invoice Creation

In an e-invoicing system, the process begins with the creation of a digital invoice. This can be initiated by the seller (the entity providing goods or services) using specialized e-invoicing software or platforms.

Data Structuring

Unlike traditional invoices, e-invoices are structured in a standardized format, often following specific industry or government standards. This structured data includes essential information such as invoice number, date, payment terms, and itemized details of the products or services provided.


Once created, the e-invoice is electronically transmitted to the buyer (the recipient of goods or services). This transmission can occur through various channels, including email, secure online portals, or dedicated e-invoicing networks.


The buyer’s system receives the e-invoice and automatically extracts the structured data. This automation eliminates the need for manual data entry and minimizes the risk of errors.


The buyer’s system validates the e-invoice to ensure its accuracy and compliance with any relevant regulations or business rules. This validation can include checks for duplicates, proper formatting, and matching with purchase orders.


Once validated, the e-invoice may go through an approval workflow within the buyer’s organization. Appropriate stakeholders review and approve the invoice for payment.


After approval, the e-invoice triggers the payment process. Payment can be initiated through integrated electronic payment systems, ensuring timely settlement of the invoice.


E-invoices are typically stored electronically in compliance with legal requirements. This ensures easy access for auditing, dispute resolution, and record-keeping.

Traditional Invoicing vs. E-Invoicing

Traditional invoicing and e-invoicing represent two distinct approaches to billing and payment processes, each with its own set of advantages and limitations.

Traditional Invoicing

  • Manual Processes
  • Delays
  • High Costs
  • Environmental Impact
  • Limited Automation


  • Automation
  • Speed
  • Cost Savings
  • Accuracy
  • Environmental Benefits
  • Integration

What Types of e-invoicing systems exist?

E-invoicing systems have evolved to cater to diverse business needs and regulatory requirements. Here are the main types of e-invoicing systems in existence:

EDI-Based Systems

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems are among the earliest forms of e-invoicing. They involve the structured exchange of data between businesses using standardized formats. EDI is highly automated and suitable for large enterprises with complex supply chains.

PDF-Based Systems

PDF-based e-invoicing systems generate invoices in PDF format and deliver them electronically. While they offer some automation, they may still require manual data entry for processing.

XML-Based Systems

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a common standard for structured data exchange. XML-based e-invoicing systems create invoices in XML format, which can be easily integrated into various software applications.

Web-Based Portals

Web-based e-invoicing portals are hosted online and facilitate the exchange of invoices between businesses. Users can access and manage invoices through a web interface, making them accessible for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Invoice Service Providers (ISPs)

ISPs offer end-to-end e-invoicing solutions, managing the entire invoicing process for businesses. They handle invoice creation, transmission, validation, and archiving, often via a cloud-based platform.

Peppol Network

The Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line (Peppol) network is a standardized e-invoicing infrastructure used across Europe. It enables businesses to exchange electronic invoices with government agencies and other organizations seamlessly.

Blockchain-Based Systems

Some e-invoicing solutions leverage blockchain technology to enhance security and transparency in invoicing processes. Blockchain ensures the immutability of invoice data.

Mobile-Based E-Invoicing Apps

Mobile apps offer businesses the convenience of creating, sending, and receiving e-invoices directly from smartphones and tablets. These apps are ideal for mobile and remote business operations.

Integrated Accounting Software

Many accounting software packages now include built-in e-invoicing features, allowing businesses to generate e-invoices from within their accounting systems.

Types of Invoices

Various types of invoices cater to different business scenarios and requirements.

Standard Invoice: This is the most common type of invoice used for billing customers for products or services rendered. It typically includes details such as the invoice number, date, itemized list of goods or services, quantity, price, and total amount due.

Proforma Invoice: A proforma invoice serves as a preliminary bill, often issued before the actual delivery of goods or services. It provides an estimate of costs and terms and is often used for customs or pre-payment purposes.

Credit Memo: Also known as a credit note or credit invoice, this document is issued by a seller to reduce the amount owed by a customer. It is typically used for refunds, returns, or adjustments.

Debit Note: A debit note is the opposite of a credit memo. It is issued to request additional payment from a customer, often due to underbilling or additional charges.

Recurring Invoice: Businesses that offer subscription-based services or products use recurring invoices to bill customers at regular intervals, such as monthly or annually.

Interim Invoice: Interim invoices are used for partial billing during a long-term project or for services rendered at various milestones. They help maintain cash flow throughout a project’s duration.

Commercial Invoice: This type of invoice is used in international trade to provide customs authorities with information about the contents, value, and origin of goods being shipped across borders.

Utility Invoice: Utility companies send utility invoices to customers for services like electricity, water, gas, or telecommunications.

Self-Billing Invoice: In some B2B relationships, the buyer generates the invoice on behalf of the seller. This is known as a self-billing invoice, and it is used to streamline transactions.

How Does e-Invoicing Solve Manual Invoicing Challenges?

E-invoicing offers a transformative solution to the numerous challenges associated with manual invoicing processes. Here’s how it addresses these challenges:

Eliminates Manual Data Entry

Manual invoicing often requires hours of data entry, increasing the risk of errors. E-invoicing automates data capture and transmission, reducing the need for manual input and the likelihood of mistakes.

Cost Efficiency

Printing, postage, and manual labour costs are substantially reduced with e-invoicing. Businesses save on paper, ink, and the resources required for physical delivery.

Enhanced Accuracy

Automation ensures data accuracy, reducing billing discrepancies and disputes. Invoices are generated from structured data, leaving little room for errors.


E-invoicing systems seamlessly integrate with accounting and payment systems. This means invoices can flow directly into financial software, streamlining reconciliation and reporting.

Audit Trail

E-invoicing systems often provide a detailed audit trail, making it easier to track invoice status and resolve discrepancies.

Environmental Impact

E-invoicing aligns with sustainability goals by reducing paper usage and waste, contributing to a greener environment.

Security and Compliance

E-invoicing platforms incorporate security features such as encryption and digital signatures to protect invoice data from fraud and unauthorized access. They also facilitate compliance with government regulations.

E-invoicing not only enhances efficiency and accuracy but also reduces costs and environmental impact. It represents a significant step toward modernizing invoicing practices and improving financial operations for businesses of all sizes.

Compliance Requirements and Government Regulations for E-Invoicing

Government regulations and compliance requirements play a crucial role in the adoption and standardization of e-invoicing practices worldwide. Here’s an overview of some key aspects:

Mandatory E-Invoicing

Several countries have made e-invoicing mandatory for businesses. This means that companies must use electronic invoicing systems to comply with tax and regulatory requirements. Examples include countries in Latin America like Mexico and Brazil, as well as European countries such as Italy and Spain.


To ensure consistency and interoperability, many governments have established e-invoicing standards that businesses must follow. These standards define the format and structure of e-invoices. The Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line (Peppol) network is an example of a standardized e-invoicing infrastructure used across Europe.

Data Retention

Government regulations often require businesses to retain e-invoices for a specified period. This is to facilitate audits and tax compliance. The retention periods vary by country and can range from several years to a decade.

Digital Signatures

Some regulations mandate the use of digital signatures on e-invoices to ensure the authenticity and integrity of invoice data during transmission. Digital signatures provide an added layer of security.

Tax Compliance

E-invoicing systems may need to align with tax compliance regulations, including value-added tax (VAT) requirements. This ensures that taxes are accurately calculated and reported.


Governments may encourage or require businesses to use interoperable e-invoicing systems with those of their trading partners, suppliers, and customers to facilitate seamless data exchange.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with e-invoicing regulations can result in penalties, fines, or legal repercussions, making it essential for businesses to adhere to the established rules.

The E-Invoicing Growth

The adoption of e-invoicing has witnessed significant growth in recent years, reshaping the way businesses manage their financial processes. Several factors have contributed to this upward trend:

Cost Savings: Businesses are drawn to e-invoicing due to its potential for cost reduction. Eliminating paper-based processes, including printing, postage, and manual data entry, results in substantial savings.

Efficiency: E-invoicing streamlines invoicing workflows, reducing the time it takes to create, send, receive, and process invoices. This efficiency is especially appealing to businesses seeking to accelerate cash flow.

Environmental Impact: Increasing environmental awareness has prompted businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices. E-invoicing aligns with sustainability goals by minimizing paper usage and reducing waste.

Government Initiatives: Many governments have encouraged or mandated the use of e-invoicing to improve tax compliance and reduce tax evasion. These initiatives have driven adoption.

Security and Compliance: E-invoicing platforms offer enhanced security features, such as encryption and digital signatures, which contribute to trust and compliance with government regulations.

E-Invoicing Benefits

E-invoicing offers a multitude of benefits that transform invoicing from a traditional, manual process into an efficient, automated system. Here are some key advantages:

Speed and Efficiency: E-invoicing significantly accelerates the invoicing-to-payment cycle. Invoices can be generated, transmitted, received, and processed in a matter of minutes or hours rather than days or weeks.

Accuracy: Automation ensures the accuracy of invoice data, reducing the likelihood of billing errors. This contributes to smoother financial operations and improved customer relationships.

Transparency: E-invoicing provides real-time visibility into the status of invoices, enabling businesses to track payments, monitor cash flow, and manage financial resources effectively.

Security: E-invoicing platforms incorporate security features like encryption and digital signatures to protect invoice data from fraud and unauthorized access, enhancing overall data security.

Compliance: E-invoicing systems often facilitate compliance with government regulations and tax requirements. They ensure that invoices meet the necessary standards and formats.

Improved Cash Flow: Faster invoice processing and payment lead to improved cash flow management, helping businesses maintain healthy financial stability.

E-Invoicing Challenges

While e-invoicing offers numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges. Here are some common obstacles that businesses may encounter when transitioning to electronic invoicing:

Resistance to Change: Employees and stakeholders may be resistant to adopting new technology and changing established invoicing processes. Resistance can slow down the implementation of e-invoicing.

Data Security: E-invoicing involves the exchange of sensitive financial data. Ensuring the security and confidentiality of this data is paramount. Businesses must invest in robust cybersecurity measures.

Integration Challenges: Integrating e-invoicing systems with existing accounting, procurement, and payment systems can be complex and may require customized solutions.

Costs of Implementation: While e-invoicing offers long-term cost savings, there are initial costs associated with implementing new technology, training staff, and ensuring compliance.

Technical Issues: Like any digital system, e-invoicing platforms can experience technical glitches, downtime, or compatibility issues. Businesses need contingency plans to address such issues promptly.

Standards of E-Invoicing

E-invoicing relies on established standards to ensure consistency, interoperability, and compliance across different systems and industries. Here are some key aspects of e-invoicing standards:

Format Standards: E-invoices adhere to specific formats, such as XML (Extensible Markup Language) or EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). These formats structure the invoice data for easy processing and transmission.

Data Content Standards: Standards dictate the content of an e-invoice, including mandatory and optional fields. It ensures that essential information, such as invoice number, date, and payment details, is consistently included.

Message Standards: E-invoices are often exchanged using standardized messaging protocols, such as UBL (Universal Business Language) or Peppol (Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line). These standards define how e-invoice messages should be formatted and transmitted.

Digital Signatures: Many e-invoicing standards require the use of digital signatures to verify the authenticity and integrity of the invoice. Digital signatures add a layer of security to e-invoicing.

Tax Compliance Standards: E-invoicing standards often incorporate tax compliance requirements, including VAT (Value-Added Tax) rules. It ensures that e-invoices are consistent with tax regulations in various jurisdictions.

Interoperability Standards: Interoperability standards enable different e-invoicing systems to exchange invoices seamlessly. Standards like Peppol facilitate cross-border e-invoicing by ensuring interoperability between participants.

Archiving Standards: E-invoicing standards may include guidelines for the long-term storage and retrieval of e-invoices. These standards ensure that e-invoices remain accessible and legally compliant.

Regulatory Standards: Some industries or regions have specific regulatory standards for e-invoicing. For example, healthcare organizations may follow HL7 (Health Level 7) standards for medical billing e-invoices.

Industry-Specific Standards: Certain industries, such as automotive or retail, may have their e-invoicing standards tailored to their unique requirements and processes.

Contents of Electronic Invoices

Electronic invoices, or e-invoices, contain structured data presented in a standardized format for efficient processing and automation. Here are the typical contents of an e-invoice:

Invoice Header: This section includes essential information such as the invoice number, issuance date, due date, and payment terms. It identifies the parties involved—the supplier (seller) and the recipient (buyer).

Billing Details: E-invoices provide clear details about the products or services being billed. This includes item descriptions, quantities, unit prices, and total amounts for each line item.

Tax Information: Invoices include tax-related information, including applicable taxes (e.g., VAT or GST), tax rates, and the total tax amount. Some e-invoices may consist of tax identification numbers for both the supplier and recipient.

Payment Details: E-invoices specify the payment method accepted by the supplier, such as bank transfer details or electronic payment options like PayPal. They may also indicate any early payment discounts or late payment penalties.

Currency: The currency in which the invoice is issued is clearly stated, allowing recipients to understand the financial context of the invoice.

Reference Numbers: E-invoices often include reference numbers, such as purchase order numbers or contract references, to link the invoice to specific transactions or agreements.

Contact Information: Contact details for both the supplier and recipient, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, are typically included for communication and verification purposes.

Payment Instructions: Instructions on how to make payments, including any required codes or references, are provided to ensure smooth transactions.

Digital Signatures: To enhance security and authenticity, some e-invoices include digital signatures that verify the integrity of the document.

Additional Information: E-invoices may contain additional data as needed, such as shipping details, delivery dates, and terms and conditions.

Security and Data Privacy in E-Invoicing

Security and data privacy are paramount in e-invoicing to protect sensitive financial information from unauthorized access and fraud. Here’s how e-invoicing ensures security and data privacy:


E-invoicing platforms use encryption protocols to secure data during transmission. This ensures that invoice information remains confidential and cannot be intercepted or tampered with by malicious actors.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures are applied to e-invoices to verify their authenticity and integrity. These signatures assure that the invoice has not been altered since its creation.

Access Controls

E-invoicing systems implement strict access controls, allowing only authorized personnel to view and modify invoice data. Role-based access ensures that users have appropriate privileges.

Secure Storage

E-invoices are stored in secure, compliant data centers with robust physical and digital security measures. This prevents unauthorized access to stored invoices.

Compliance with Regulations

E-invoicing platforms adhere to industry-specific and regional regulations, such as GDPR in Europe, to protect personal data and ensure compliance with data privacy laws.

Audit Trails

Detailed audit trails track all activities related to e-invoices, including who accessed, modified, or approved them. This provides transparency and accountability.

Secure Authentication

Strong authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), are used to verify the identity of users accessing the e-invoicing system.

Data Masking

Personally identifiable information (PII), such as social security numbers or tax identification numbers, is often masked or encrypted within e-invoices to protect sensitive data.

Regular Security Audits

E-invoicing providers conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and implement necessary security updates.

Data Retention Policies

E-invoicing systems adhere to data retention policies to ensure that invoices are stored for the required period and securely disposed of when no longer needed.

By implementing these security measures and data privacy safeguards, e-invoicing platforms create a secure environment for businesses to exchange financial information, build trust with customers and partners, and comply with regulatory requirements.

The future of e-invoicing is poised to bring further advancements and innovations to streamline financial processes. Some emerging trends in e-invoicing include:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI and machine learning will play a significant role in automating invoice processing. These technologies will enhance data extraction, validation, and anomaly detection, reducing manual intervention.

Blockchain Integration

Blockchain technology is expected to enhance the security and transparency of e-invoicing. It can provide an immutable ledger for invoice history, reducing the risk of fraud.

Real-time Payments

E-invoicing will increasingly integrate with real-time payment systems, allowing for faster settlement of invoices and improved cash flow management.

Mobile Invoicing

Mobile apps will enable businesses and individuals to create, send, and pay invoices directly from their smartphones, making invoicing more convenient and accessible.

Cross-Border E-Invoicing

Cross-border e-invoicing will become more standardized and seamless, enabling businesses to engage in international trade with ease.

Creating E-Invoices

Creating electronic invoices, or e-invoices involves a streamlined digital process that replaces traditional paper-based invoicing. Here’s how to develop e-invoices:

Select an E-Invoicing Platform

Choose a reliable e-invoicing platform or software that suits your business needs. Ensure it complies with relevant regulations and supports the formats required by your trading partners.

Invoice Information

Enter essential invoice details, including the invoice number, issuance date, payment terms, and a clear itemized breakdown of products or services provided.

Tax and Currency

Specify any applicable taxes, tax rates, and the currency for the invoice. Ensure compliance with tax regulations in your region.

Recipient Information

Provide accurate recipient information, including their name, address, and contact details. Verify that this information is up-to-date.

Payment Details

Include payment instructions, such as bank account details or electronic payment options. Clearly state any early payment discounts or late payment penalties.


Attach relevant documents or files, such as purchase orders or contracts, to support the invoice. Ensure these attachments are well-organized and labeled.

  • Digital Signatures
  • Review and Verification
  • Send the E-Invoice
  • Archive the Invoice
  • Confirmation
  • Record Keeping

How to Choose the Best E-Invoicing Solution

Selecting the right e-invoicing solution is crucial for businesses looking to streamline their invoicing processes and improve efficiency. Here are key considerations when choosing the best e-invoicing solution.

Compatibility: Ensure the e-invoicing solution is compatible with your existing accounting software, procurement systems, and the systems used by your trading partners. Seamless integration is essential.

Compliance: Verify that the solution complies with relevant regulations and standards in your industry and region. It should support the required formats and tax requirements.

Scalability: Choose a solution that can scale with your business. It should accommodate your current volume of invoices and allow for growth without significant disruptions.

User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive and user-friendly interface is vital for easy adoption by your team. Training and onboarding should be straightforward.

Security: Prioritize data security and privacy. Ensure the solution offers encryption, secure authentication, and compliance with data protection laws.

Cost-Effectiveness: Assess the total cost of ownership, including setup, maintenance, and transaction fees. Consider the potential cost savings from reduced manual processes.

Supplier Onboarding: Evaluate how easily your suppliers can join the e-invoicing network or platform. A user-friendly onboarding process benefits both parties.

Support and Training: Check the availability of customer support and training resources. Prompt assistance is crucial in case of issues or questions.

Features and Automation: Review the features offered, such as automated data extraction, approval workflows, and reporting capabilities. Choose a solution that aligns with your specific invoicing needs.

Audit Trail and Compliance: Ensure the solution maintains a comprehensive audit trail for transparency and compliance purposes.

Mobile Accessibility: Consider whether the solution offers mobile access, allowing you to create or approve invoices on the go.

User Feedback: Seek feedback from existing users or industry peers who have experience with the e-invoicing solution. Their insights can be valuable in making an informed choice.

Streamline Invoicing With Wallester

Wallester offers a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to streamline their invoicing processes. With a user-friendly platform and a focus on efficiency, Wallester helps organizations of all sizes simplify their invoicing tasks.

Seamless Integration

Wallester is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing accounting systems and processes. This ensures a smooth transition to electronic invoicing without disruption.

Customizable Solutions

Wallester provides customizable white-label solutions, allowing you to launch branded credit cards tailored to your business needs. This flexibility accelerates time-to-market and strengthens your brand identity.

Compliance Assurance

Wallester is committed to compliance with all relevant regulations and directives, including Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements. You can trust Wallester to help you stay compliant.

Tokenization Support

Wallester enables tokenization of various card types, making it easy to add cards to digital wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. This enhances convenience for both you and your customers.

Enhanced Security

Security is a top priority. Wallester incorporates features like 3D Secure for secure e-commerce transactions and fraud monitoring to safeguard against payment card fraud.

Instant Issuance

Wallester facilitates the instant issuance of personalized virtual cards for various purposes. This expedites payments, transfers, and online purchases with added security.

Financial Efficiency

By automating key financial processes and reducing manual invoicing, Wallester helps you reduce costs, enhance cash flow management, and improve overall financial efficiency.


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How can I create an electronic invoice?

Creating an electronic invoice involves using specialized software or platforms like Wallester. You input invoice details, including recipient information, items or services provided, and payment terms. Once complete, you can send it digitally to your recipient.

What are electronic invoicing and electronic billing?

Electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) is the digital process of creating, sending, receiving, and processing invoices. Electronic billing is a broader term that includes e-invoicing and encompasses the entire electronic billing cycle.

What is the difference between e-invoicing and EDI?

E-invoicing focuses on the exchange of invoices in digital formats, often between businesses and their trading partners. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a broader electronic communication method that includes various types of business documents, not just invoices.

Is e-invoicing available to everyone?

Yes, e-invoicing is available to businesses of all sizes and industries. It offers benefits such as efficiency and cost savings, making it a valuable tool for various organizations.

What is the difference between an e-invoice and an invoice?

An e-invoice is a digital invoice sent and received electronically, while an invoice can refer to both paper-based and electronic invoices. E-invoices offer advantages like automation and reduced paper usage.

How does an electronic invoicing system work?

An electronic invoicing system digitizes the invoicing process. It involves creating invoices digitally sending them electronically to recipients, and often includes features like data validation, digital signatures, and integration with accounting software for streamlined processing.

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